Friday, July 29, 2011

Breakfast and Humanity

Sometimes, that organism we call homosapien confuses the heck out of me.  Granted, this happens often, but recently, it happened in the kitchen.  In my cheery, recently rolled out of bed stupor, I plod into the kitchen to quell my morning munchies.  Truth be told, I could graze all day and be a happy camper, but for the sake of family conventions, I adhere to a three-ish meal a day routine.  Back to the kitchen.  I squat down to the bottom shelf of the pantry.  Granola?  Cocoa Crispies?  Special K?  Cocoa Puffs?  Bingo.  I like granola as much as the next gardening, running, health nut girl, but some days you just need a good bowl of Cocoa Puffs.  

As I’m spooning this chocolatey goodness down my gullet, I pause to think about what I’m doing.  Here I am, blissfully breakfasting away… on chocolate flavored who knows what that look remarkably like Kibbles and Bits, drenched in another organism’s milk.  WEIRD.  How did that even come to be?  Adam was walking through the garden one day and saw a calf going to town on its mother’s udder and thought, “Man, I need to get me some of that!”  And who knows what’s in this cereal.  I don’t subscribe to the Processed Foods Conspiracy Monthly Newsletter, but I hear all those rumors about the bug parts to cereal weight ratio and mouse poop and all that.  

What puzzles me is that I purposefully bypassed the whole grain bread on the counter, the tomatoes, plain yogurt and apples in the fridge and even the home made granola sitting next to the Cocoa Puffs.  If I was nutritionally ignorant and my taste buds were on strike, it might make sense.  But I know, sort of, what’s in that cereal!  It’s mushed up corn… and stuff, somehow formed into dog food shapes and baked until crunchy.  Tomatoes have all kinds of vitamins (the naturally occurring kind), grow out of the ground, and don’t resemble dog food.  

This situation is entirely counter-intuitive.  Logic would say, the person should eat what is best, tastes good and doesn’t resemble dog food.  Even an atheist evolutionist would surmise that we should choose what would cause us to survive.  We totally throw that theory.  We are lazy, we overindulge, we work until we’re so stressed we literally die.  We spend thousands on people we hire to fix problems we have created ourselves.  Doesn’t sound like much of a survival instinct to me.  I guess Cocoa Puffs serve as a subtle reminder of our human flaws… and weirdness.  Wait, did I just disprove the theory of evolution by eating breakfast?  

Much love,
Little Miss Sunshine

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