Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Michelin Miss Hits the Desert

Thursday morning, the friends bundled us and all our gear into Cherie's parents' monster SUV (which was 4WD and a manual) and departed for the airport.  *insert standing ovation for Cherie's driving a manual monster in Melbourne morning traffic*  TJ and Sam provided navigation and comic relief, while Monica added anecdotes from her seat among the luggage.  Cath even came along via cell phone. 

The dread was mounting as we approached the airport.  There were enough suitcases for everyone to lug one along.  You'd have thought we were all going somewhere instead of just SG and I.  We held our breaths as we weighed our suitcases.  No troubles there, surprisingly.  We downed a quick latte and headed toward the red carpet of the international departure entrance.  I didn't really know what to say, and I'd cried all my tears out on Sunday, so I attempted cheerful things like, "Well, we love you"  "We'll come visit" and "It's going to be OK".  I hate saying goodbye.

Off down the red carpet we went, passed through customs without mishap and sat down at our gate.  Nearly 14 hours and 4 movies later, we emerged into the urban jungle known as LAX.  We'd passed from Australia to the US and from winter to summer.  This was especially evident when I stepped into my home airport wearing a tank, t-shirt, flannel long sleeve, puffy vest, red pea coat, jeans, leg warmers and my cowboy boots.  I looked like the Michelin Miss.  My family, plus Zanna and Auj were there to welcome me and immediately started laughing at my red-faced, overheated appearance.  I started peeling off layers to match the 105 temperatures.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

There has been plenty of sleeping included in my days home so far.  Catching up with friends has been great, as well as just hanging around the house and getting pedis and lunch with Mom.  It's been an adjustment, having a schedule and an apartment and a roommate to having no job and living in my own room, oh, and going back to a church big enough to have a cafĂ© and bookstore. 

The game plan right now is to see a few friends in CO and TX before settling into the daily grind.  Because it's going to take a while longer to transfer my license from Arkansas, I'll probably substitute teach for a bit before getting a full time teaching job.  There will be some plugging into stuff at church, and finding my place in a city I haven't lived in year-round since high school. 

Do I miss my friends in Australia?  Yes.  Am I glad to be home?  Yes.  Is it annoying and confusing having both these emotions at once?  YES. 

Sorry to leave, happy to be home,

Little Miss Sunshine


  1. I thought of you today gorgeous Casie! I went to a market and sold that cute little red beret with the bow you are wearing in one of your Facebook profile pics. Sad :( Love you!!!!! Cath
