Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Adventures in the gym, Part 2

Day 2: BodyPump with Suzy

Mrs. Yoga Instructor from Day 1 had left us with parting advice.  She said, whatever you do, don't do nothing, it will just make you more sore.  Stretch, drink lots of water, and work out those muscles.  Being the Type A firstborn that I am, I drank lots of water and checked out the class schedule for the next day.  BodyPump with Suzy at 8:30?  Sure!  Why not?  I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it will fulfill the instructions from Day 1.  

Day 2 of my gym adventures, I was without my wingmom.  She had to work early so I took the gym on solo, recall confidence comment from Day 1.  After scoping out the situation and laughing at my own confusion, I gathered that I needed a bar with some weights, a bench and some hand weights.  How much weight?  Beats me, I'll take one of these, one of these, and yeah, ok, one of these.  The instructor of this class was Suzy, who, if she didn't have Sergeant as her nickname before, she should adopt it.  She was a little older than the average gym instructor and sported a slightly grizzled ponytail braid bolstered by a bandana tied around her head.  Before you get the wrong idea of Serg. Suzy, let me tell you, she was nice in the sense that she was friendly.  By the time she got done with class, I didn't consider her as nice in the sense that she was sweet and spineless.

Class got underway with Serg. Suzy cheerfully shouting orders about presses and squats and things that translated to my muscles as pain.  We biceped, we triceped, we quaded, we hamstringed, and we did it to the beat.  If she said 8, we did 8.  If she said hold, we held.  At intervals she would give instructions about changing weights...things like "use half the weight for biceps as you did for quads" or "triple the weight you used for this as for that".  I knew nothing about this, so I would add or subtract at random, using my observational prowess to watch the veterans around me.  After an hour, she let up.  We wound down with a little stretching.  I put my weights on the rack and called it a day, regaling my adventures to mom when she got home.  BodyPump: a thumb and a half up

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