Thursday, May 26, 2011

Joining the Club

You've probably seen them around, depending on where you live.  Their habitat is mountains, lakes and rivers, with the occasional migration to health food stores, REI, or the local coffee shop.  Their scientific name is homo sapien outdoorsi, but I just call them "those really cool hard core people who do outdoorsy stuff" or outdoorsy people for short.  They're one part hippie, one part endurance athlete.  One part driven competitor just looking for the next peak to climb, river to swim, fish to catch, and one part let's just eat organic watermelon and rent a house in Breck.  

You get the idea that they've renounced the world's ideas of materialism and are cool with living out of their Subarus while they camp the summer away in Moab.  The more friends I acquire of this genre, the more I am convinced that's a big misconception.  Example A: ME!  In the past month, I have acquired climbing shoes, my first pair of Chacos and a backpacking backpack.  Now when I get on, my mouth starts watering when I see that Petzl climbing harness or Salomon's latest train running shoe.  What has gotten into me?

My conclusion after examining my friends and my spending is people like stuff.  Whether it's cowboys who like that new Classic rope or Hipsters who can't wait to pick up the latest floral vintage dress from the boutique downtown, people like stuff.  We like stuff for different reasons.  It makes us comfortable, popular, well-equipped, whatever.  Buying stuff isn't really the problem.  The problem comes when we start thinking that buying stuff is going to make us happy and fulfilled.  That's a spot only the ultimate Man can fill.  His name was Jesus.  He came to say that stuff or money or power can't make you content.  The only thing in the world that can make you content is knowing Him and living life His way.  

Little Miss Sunshine - who is still excited to get her Kelty backpack in the mail, but knows it won't make her life a happier place to live.  

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