Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can we stay up until 60:30??

Babysitting is one of those meaningful, philosophical, find yourself, lose yourself, answer life's big questions kind of experiences.  I would recommend it in lieu of going on a pilgrimage to a monastery or taking a vow of silence in the forest because it pays better and more interesting things will happen to you.  

You could have small children crowded on your lap for a story.  Monks don't do that.  You might realize that love and discipline go hand in hand when they're trying to give themselves a chocolate tummyache or pull the five year old version of an all nighter.  Forests don't eat chocolate. 

Go out in the forest and sit on your bum for a day if you'd like.  It will be nice and… leafy.  Meditate in a monastery and drink tea and attempt pseudo philosopher status.  It will be… quiet.  But if you really want to know about human nature, about your strengths and weaknesses, about your ability to multitask and perform under pressure, just go babysit. 

If I were a recruiter for a big name corporation who really wanted to see what you were made of, I'd magically procure a 4, 6, and 8 year old and leave you with them.  If I came back and they were jumping on couches and had faces smeared with chocolate, I'd know you struggle with boundaries and those kids were better at closing deals than you.  If I came back and they were all quietly tucked in bed and the house was clean, I'd know you're either a great motivator or a workaholic - your blood pressure would give you away.  If the kids said you yelled and fussed, I'd know I could never trust you with my big name, high maintenance accounts.

After spending several hours with small children, you will have likely discovered the following:

1. Can we stay up until 60:30?  Should not be answered with an explanation of a 24 hour day, but "whoa, that's wayyyy too late."
2. Good hiding spots diminish exponentially as you age.  Stick with ordinary spots that exploit a 4 foot high vantage point.
3. The exact number of chocolates it's ok to have before bedtime, because of course, you know that. 
4. Not wanting to go to bed is universal. 
5. You will be strict, or you will be walked all over, take your pick.
6. They will cry.
7. They will pout.
8. They will want just one more drink.
9. They will feign a fascination with literature if one more story means a delayed bed time.
10. They will try to tell you that mommy dearest told them they could stay up until she and daddy darling got home.

Don't fall for their tricks.  Explain, but be brief.  Sympathize, but be firm.  Above all, don't lose them or let them set themselves on fire.  That's important.   

We're not supernannies, but SG and I did have them in bed by 8:30 and gave up no territory at the Battle of 8:40, 8:50, or 9:00.

Who you going to call?

Little Miss Sunshine

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