Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The time I was almost [legally] high

Caffeine is a drug.  You know that, right?  It's legal, of course, and most of you probably had your serving in the form of a straight black mug of joe, cinnamon spice skinny soy latte blah blah hipster blah, or Earl Grey tea, depending on your personal expression of hot drinkness. 

Sunshine has been on drugs two days in a row.  Of course I mean the legal kind.  (Although, isn't it weird Sherlock Holmes was a druggie?)  Yesterday, it came in the form of ignorance.  SG and I decided we'd treat ourselves to some breakfast out, thinking that would be cheaper than lunch.  We're still learning eating out in Australia is never cheap (unless you're talking fish and chips).  I just wanted a plain old cup of coffee.  In Australian, I should have said, yeh, I'd loik ah flat whoit thanks.  Instead, I said, yes, I'd like a tall black, which the barista further corrected by saying, you mean a long black?  Oops.  My Australian still needs some work. 

A flat white is a cup of coffee with milk, no foam.  That's what I should have ordered.  What I got was a mug of coffee so strong and black it could've taken the paint off that new car you got for Christmas.  (Does that actually happen, or is it just on TV commercials at Christmas time??)  Hoping to make it more bearable, I added two sugar packets and geared up for some kind of transformation into a muscled construction worker, an opposite beauty and the beast metamorphosis, if you will. 

I made it through alright, and breakfast was delicious. 

Then it happened.  All of a sudden, the caffeine kicked in.  Whew, baby.  I wanted to run, yell, fidget, and my thoughts were as many and varied as the crowd in Times Square at New Years.  There was some hyperventilation, and some funny faces.  If you know me, you know that yelling, running, and funny faces are all standard Sunshine features.  This legal drug just kicked all those up an Emeril Lagasse notch or twenty.  I got home and bottomed up a whole water bottle to dilute some of the madness. 

You would think I'd learn.  Caffeine makes you crazy, anxious even.  I did it all again today, except this time I made the flat white myself.  We were hanging out at church doing church intern stuff and we stopped for a cuppa with Mr. Matthews (who's doing much better!).  I made myself a cup of strong coffee.  Who likes weak coffee, right?  Right.  Oops, forgot that Sunshine on caffeine is crAzy. 

We left the church and parted ways as SG and I had different errands to run.  I walked home through Main Street, where the market was going on.  People were everywhere with their dogs, children, and various other tagalongs.  My thoughts were raging crazily.  Something about caffeine makes everything seem tragically heartbreaking or gloriously wonderful, of infinite importance or pitifully blasé, all of those things, just really really fast.  It was just caffeine, I swear. 

Thought sampling from the walk home…

There's the apple strudel man again.  He has the best apple strudel, I should tell those customers that.
That's a big dog. 
People people people people wow crowd.
Cricket.  Need to tell SG about cricket tomorrow.
Robert the Bruce isn't just history.  He connects to things.
How does Robert the Bruce connect to me being a waitress at a Mexican restaurant? 
He fought for freedom, and I'm free to be a waitress?
Mmm.  No, that's too much of a stretch.
Maybe it would be easier if I were an ignoramus.
I wouldn't have as much to be confused about and try to sort out.
Caffeine is a drug.  I should use that as the first line of my next blog post.
I could tell them about trudging up this hill.
Trudging reminds me of drudgery. 
Is it drudgery trudging up this hill?
I wonder if they're going to repaint that house to match the repainted fence. 

Maybe I should take up decaf? 

Love from the beach,

Little Miss Sunshine

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