Saturday, January 7, 2012

Totes profesh.

It was a day for the power suit.  I wanted to say: take me seriously, I want a job and I'm willing to make jello worms and coffee filter butterflies.  I was hoping I didn't say: I'm a recent grad and I don't know what I'm doing, but I thought a suit would hide that.  Either way, the outfit was totes profesh. 

[Note: I belong neither to the sophisticated group of humans who disdain all "abbreves" nor to the group who think evry1 shld use abbreves all th tme.]   

Back to my attempt at fashion blogging…  I went for a ponytail and tried to give it as much poof as my obstinately straight hair would allow.  I borrowed Mom's white button up shirt and wore my black pants (that I also use for work at the Mexican restaurant, but salsa washes out.)  My suit jacket that rarely gets used, but is so fun to wear, my black heels and a fuchsia square scarf that I tied like a tie completed the ensemble. 

I did a silly thing and stayed up late working on an application for one of the schools, but I made it out the door only a minute late and tried to get my nerves out.  The first school was, shall we say, academically rigorous and non-traditional?  I like the rigor and non-traditional, but there was no fun mentioned.  What they're doing is successful, I just don't know if I'd like that atmosphere.  The second school was a charter school and seemed more traditional, with things all over the walls and frog-themed classrooms lining the halls.  The principal eagerly took my resume and said she'd be in touch.  I don't know if that's code for: you are one of the masses, and you don't stand a chance, but I'm a nice person so I won't crush your dreams just yet.  Time will tell. 

This part of being a grownup is interesting.  It's like a theater audition.  You have to convince the director that you were made for this part, that you can handle the pressure, and they won't be sorry they signed you on.  Good thing I took theater my senior year of high school.  Whew. 

Whatever happens, there's always waitressing or answering phones at the zoo or becoming a pirate!

Little Miss Sunshine

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