Friday, September 16, 2011

Soul Salve

There are some things in life that just soothe the soul.  It might be watching NASCAR (I had to throw out the most outlandish suggestion first) or building things.  I don't know what your soul salve is.  One of mine is cooking. 

I can connect so many dots while I'm cooking.  It uses all my senses, it connects me to my past, and it gives me a few rules and then says, what the heck, do what you want.  Another great thing about cooking is it gives me the opportunity to wear an apron, specifically the one I made last summer out my childhood bedroom curtains.  Maria Von Trapp are quite connected when it comes to climbing mountains, fording streams, and re-using curtains.

SG and I have done a little experimenting in the culinary arena.  It's not unlike Iron Chef every night.  We're house sitting at the moment and the home owners have said to use whatever we'd like in the pantry.  I've told you about the unusual state of their pantry... The other night we made crab cakes and sweet potato fries.  It sounds gourmet, but it was so easy!  Last night we sizzled up a zucchini and beef stir fry that was just the thing for a spring dinner.  We ate it on the couch while we watched "The Secret Life of Bees".  The book is incredible, and the movie isn't bad either.  I finished PG Wodehouse.  The humorous way that man has in expressing himself is delightful.  The story was a trifle long, but worth the read.  I was surprised how much better I understood the story having lived in Australia for just a month.  Suddenly words like pinch and tick off take on quite different flavors. 

SG's quote of the week: I hate big dogs because they have big poop... (upon returning from a walk with Attila)

Today we went to Australian barbie #2 with a few of our dear old lady friends.  This was a picnic of epic proportions... grilled lamb chops, eggs, bacon, onions, tomatoes, bread, salad, and cake!  We feel so welcome here.  :)

Sometimes I forget that my readers are also my prayer warriors.  Things you can pray for

Wisdom in knowing how to start a youth program here... there's nothing right now, and it's not for want of youth in the area.

Edurance in not growing weary while doing good.  This is turing out to be a little harder than I at first reckoned.  Wonderful, but not easy.

Passion for the glory of Jesus for SG and I, the pastor, and the congregation.

Hunger to know Jesus and His truth among the people of the community.


Little Miss Sunshine

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