Thursday, September 8, 2011

We called her the lunch lady...

She came up to us in church and handed us a note.  It was something about having relatives in America and wanting to have us over for lunch.  In my imaginative brain, it had a delicious aroma of mystery and intrigue.  So we called her the mystery lunch lady.  We called the phone number printed on the paper and after a little broken English and working through some details, we now had a time, date and address!  The pastor was able to drop us off at her house, so we didn't have to walk.  We were greeted excitedly at the door with hugs and kisses by a Vietnamese woman, Lee, who introduced us to her husband, whose German name I don't remember.

When we asked if we could help, she whisked us into the kitchen and started giving us a Vietnamese cooking tutorial.  She teaches cooking lessons as an adult education class once a week.  She showed us how to mix the contents for spring rolls and wrap them in the thin paper dough.  She re-rolled some of them because we made them too fat.  :)  Using chopsticks, she set them afloat in a wok with oil bubbling in the bottom.  When they were done, we gathered at the table and she poured the fish sauce and soy sauce into dishes and we ate.  And we ate.  And we ate.  She just kept bringing out more dishes!  In Morocco, this happened, but you had an idea of how many courses were coming by how many table cloths were on the table.  There was no table cloth trick here, and we topped it all off with smoothies made of avocado, strawberry, mango, banana, and orange!

This morning I had my interview.  Oh, what a trouble it was picking an outfit.  I didn't have my freshman roommate fashionista, Abby, to dress me, but SG was a good help in giving advice.  You just have to figure out what you want to say, and what the clothes you have do say.  Skinny jeans?  Sweater?  Scarf?  Dress?  I settled on my navy trousers, white longsleeve tee, kelly green cardigan and apricot scarf.  Gold earrings, gold flats.

I was nervous, but luckily, Little Miss Sunshine has a particular gift for false bravado.  Nervous?  Who, me?  Neverrrrrr.  So I walked up to the restaurant, and sat down to wait for my appointment time.  I gave my interviewers my best "Hi, I'm Little Miss Sunshine, and you want to hire me" handshake.  I think it worked.  They asked about my waitressing experience, of which I have none.  I focused on my Mexican food-rich background, food prep experience at camp, and education background - major multitasking.  They didn't even ask me any of the usual, "so tell me about a time when you had a problem you had to solve" questions.  I'll keep you posted.

A Tale of Two Cities is almost finished.  I'm in the home stretch.  So many twists and turns in the last 100 pages!  As for the dog project, Attila was actually snuggling with me on the couch last night, so I think that might mean that I'm a dog person now?  Maybe?

Much love,


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