Friday, October 28, 2011

Some Assembly Required

I think I've come down with craft fever. Looking around sites like Pinterest or How About Orange or etsy, people are doing so many fun crafty things! I makes me want to sketch portraits and bake spinach parmesan scones and design aprons! The ideas are everywhere. It's like a craft revolution or something. People are saying, what if and being creative and doing things. They're making jewelry and note cards and dresses, and often they're doing it out of old stuff.

There's a part of me that says, what's the point, who needs to salvage an old window frame and turn it into wall art? You could be learning another language or making money or reading. But another part wonders if part of being human is working with your hands. If part of being made in God's image means we can see the future of what could be and we have the creative power to make it happen.

Some might argue that they aren't creative. I would argue back. You were made by the God who invented seahorses and diamonds. Just because you can't quilt doesn't mean you aren't creative. That's like saying just because you can't play hockey, you aren't an athlete at all. Absurdity.

We aren't cold, calculating robots who just need food and water to survive. Texture and color and form are part of who we are, whether that's expressed in building tables out of doors or training a rosebush up a trellis. Things like that take time and thought. I can't just sit down and make a skirt. Fabric, length, pattern, and threading a needle all come first. From a practical aspect, crafting is troublesome, but again, I think it's a vital part of our humanity. There's a connection made with all the crafters who have ever been, and a reflection of the original Crafter who formed us with his own hands.

How will this itch to craft express itself? Let me tell you, we've had the recent good fortune of being involved with the beginning of a Christian girls group at the high school, and they want to study God's Word and craft! Today we threw around the idea of making aprons, which are so in vogue right now. I love them because they're easy to make and I'm a messy cook. I will keep you updated with what I do with this crafty fever. I might sketch a few portraits (faces are not my strength) and write character sketches about people in my life for this blog.

Go make disciples and crafty things!

Little Miss Sunshine

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