Friday, October 21, 2011

When Purple Amoebas Attack

(I wrote this Monday, and am feeling muchly much much bettah.)

Joan, our house mom, is funny.  She talks to herself and she's involved in golf, tennis, book club, professional women's club, and community theater.  We sit in the dining room for dinner, and there's always bread and butter on the table.  She's well read, well spoken, and well traveled.  Her husband, Ian, is gone right now to Borneo and other places.  He's gone for a month, just roaming around Southeast Asia.  They're 70.  Go ahead and marvel, it's ok. 

Somewhere between playing with dozens of children, serving breakfast at a high school and being around sick people at work, I picked up a purple amoeba.  Actually, I must have picked up a tribe.  If there had just been one, I wouldn't feel like this.  You know I hate being sick.  People will tell you, ah, it's good for you to slow down and take a rest.  That's why I hate being sick.  It slows me down.  I'm human?  I'm not invincible?  Right.  Slowing down propped up on pillows at night trying to breathe is not my idea of slowing down.  Hopefully the worst of it is over and I can have my life back.  It's a pity because when being sick slows you down, the rest of the world turns fast as ever.  It's not like they wait for you to catch up.  I still have devos to write that I would have liked to be done with for tomorrow morning.  I still have a quiz to read for and take.  Silly world.  Stop spinning so fast and giving me a headache.

Today, I went hung out with the beach boys.  Not the music group, just the friends I've made who like to hang out at the beach.  I got a cricket lesson, updated my list of places to visit in Australia, and learned about sand bars and rip tides.  I learned that Nathan has a soft spot for luxury, Sam has a soft spot for documentaries, and Buzz has a soft spot for Tasmania. 

I also got my usual 60 on a quiz today.  Can you HEAR the frustration!?  Groan.  Sunshine doesn't get 60s on quizzes.  She confidently fills out the quiz, hands it in, and is satisfied with her grade because she put in the work and what she doesn't know, she makes up.  No such luck with this class.  Five questions, twenty points each.  I generally miss the statistic questions.  I could tell you generalities and applications, but I don’t remember what percentage of the church-going American population prays daily with their teenage children, as opposed to those who only pray weekly with them.  I think this poor quizzing is a trend among my classmates because the professor said there will be some extra credit opportunities. 

On a brighter note, the weather in Australia was gorgeous today.  Warm, sunny, the whole of the spring experience.  We also had salmon for dinner.  I didn't fail miserably at swinging the cricket bat.  AND I GOT A BOX!!!  Those were the highlights.


Little Miss Sunshine


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