Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hi, my name is Sunshine, and I love Pinterest

Remember Confession 36?  Yeah, temperance is not my natural bent.  I'm either all or nothing.  Give me cherry juice stronger than steel, or give me none.  Let me read 3 books in a week, or none at all.  Fire or ice.  You get the picture.  So.  Pinterest.  It's this website that everyone's talking about (don't feel bad if you aren't talking about it, that's just a sweeping generalization).

The premise is it's an e-bulletin board where you can pin your interests.  There are a variety of things people use it for, but primarily it's design, food, fashion and crafts.  You can pin pictures from anywhere online or you can re-pin pictures from other people's boards.  My brother's girlfriend helped me set up my own account, so the official blame goes to her, but the unofficial blame goes to me.

What you have is a whole website full of ideas and beautiful dazzling photos.  Hello.  I love ideas and dazzling photos and crafts and cooking and design.  What was I thinking?!  Of course, it's a great site, and you can find some pretty sweet ideas and recipes.  But mix that with my lack of temperance...  Now I want to spend time looking through ways to french braid your hair and make Christmas wreaths and fold envelopes for snail mail letters.

The problem with browsing through recipes for peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and light fixtures made out of paper mache is that is it's easy to look at those things and not DO them.  What's the point of looking at creative things people have done if you aren't going to do them yourself?  It becomes this chasing of the wind - always looking for the next cool thing and great idea without making use of them.  A huge apple tree that never makes any apples.  Waste of time.

I think I could be a crafter, I really do!  My heritage isn't bereft of crafters, and I'm cheap enough that making something myself is appealing.  Redo coffee cans with doilies and spray paint as vases?  Probably cheaper than buying them.  Decorating that envelope to send to a friend by snail mail?  Worth the time.  So my challenge to myself is not to ditch Pinterest in an effort to curb my internet use.  That would just be a part of my all or nothing tendencies.  Instead, my challenge is to master things instead of letting them master me.  I should be making things improve me instead of wasting my life misusing them.  Facebook - great social tool, not a good way to fill time.  Pinterest - full of creative ideas and inspiration, not a place to be for more than 30 minutes.

Do I feel a New Year's resolution coming on?  Perhaps.  More about that later...

In other news, got to hang out with the cousins tonight!  I love to laugh with them.  Also, pedicure tomorrow.  Mmmm.  After a summer and four months in Chacos and being at the beach, a pedicure is going to be a great thing.

Much love,


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