Sunday, November 13, 2011

10 Things I Learned from Being a Waitress

1. Details can make or break a night - out of cake but have a birthday?  Just stick a candle down a straw in a slushy.

2. Customer service matters - if people wanted just food, they'd have gotten fast food or takeout.

3. Some people have bad days and take it out on waitresses - maybe they just lost their job, don't let it get to you and give them the best service you can.

4. Find the best person at your job and study them - I want to be like Lana and Mercy because they work hard, quick, and smart.  They always seem like they're in command of a situation without being bossy. 

5. Just because you have seniority doesn't mean you're any good at what you do.

6. Watch the person from #5 and figure out how in the world they still have their job.

7. Being a ninja makes carrying plates and dodging people and children underfoot easier.

8. Scrape plates well for the dishies and respect the kitchen, they may make you chocolate nachos - thanks, Ellie!

9. Treat all customers like they're the Queen, they might turn into regulars.

10.  Work like your pants are on fire, but never be too busy to help a customer - it's tempting to get too busy and look it.  Don't. 

Another busy day at the restaurant, check.  Learning lots of life lessons about treating people well.  

Much love,

LMS, who will be home in 32 days!

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