Monday, November 28, 2011

The first Christmas carol the angels did sing...

To say that I love Christmas would be so far from the truth as to nearly be a lie. It would be like saying LA is near to New York. Well, it would be a truth if you compare the distance to Australia, but it still hardly captures the real truth. To say that I sing, breathe and long for Christmas from December 26 - December 24 is more accurate. On a sunny day in July, it is not unlikely that I will be singing The First Noel or O, Holy Night.

Sometimes I think of Christmas carols in modern language and chortle with mirth…

The firrrrst Christmas carol, the angels did sing was to keep the shepherds from freaking out in their pastures with their sheep on that nasty cold night. Christmas carol, Christmas carol, Christmas carol, Christmas carol, born is the King of Israel.

Hey, pay attention! The messenger variety of angels sing, Honor to the newborn King, peace on earth and a gentle kind of mercy, God and sinners can experience harmony again. Nations, get on your feet and get excited, get in on this praise fest that's going on with the angels and let everyone know that Christ the King is born in Bethlehem!

I really doubt that this will be my only Christmas post. Like Advent, there will probably be a lead up to Christmas. I'm not trying to compare the importance of my blogging with Advent… I'm just saying you will hear about Christmas more than once, if I have anything to do with it.

Also, I've been specially commissioned this year to write the family Christmas letter. This is a big deal. This is also a hard deal. I'm not really sure why I volunteered for the gig in the first place. I think I got a little overeager and excited about Christmas and acted impulsively. Mom asked who wanted it, and I won the bid. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. How in the world am I supposed to do this (competitive to the core)? My dad is a writer, my mom has the organizational prowess and longstanding experience, my brothers have comedy dripping from their fingertips. This is a high stakes test of my writing skills, and I haven't even been in the same state, much less the same country as my family for most of the year.

This Christmas post is going to end up being a mishmash (sidenote: mishmash is Arabic for apricot) of things because I don't even know where to start with a Christmas post. I could make a list of things I love about Christmas or things I want to do over Christmas break, or my Christmas list, or reasons that people hate Christmas. Shoot, I could just make a list of Christmas blog post ideas.

Most important things:
Christmas is awesome (not as awesome as Easter, but pretty darn close and Christmas has better songs)
Sometimes people hate Christmas for reasons that don't have to do with real Christmas
You don't have to buy me a present, just call and talk to me on the phone, but when we run out of things to talk about, please make up a reason why you have to go because talking about nothing is awkward
Remember to floss during the Christmas season because fudge and candy canes can give you cavities

I'm abandoning this list because it's turning into nonsense because my excitement for Christmas has rendered me disorientedly ecstatic.

Yours truly,

Little Miss Sunshine

PS I apologize for the flurry of posts, refer to Confession 36 for an explanation of this phenomenon.

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